How To Take Care Of Pests Infesting Trees And Plants Near Your House
A sudden increase in pest activity in the plants and trees surrounding your home could point to possible danger for both your plants and your home. Prompt action and professional assistance can help keep your plants healthy and your home safe.
Check For Signs of Harmful Pests and Disease
Sometimes pests will frequent plants and trees simply because they provide sources of shelter and moisture, but in other cases, it can be because they're attacking your plants directly. In other cases, they could be attacking your plants due to their weakness as a result of affliction from some kind of disease. If you can establish that these pests are after your plants specifically, you can better decide your plan of attack.
Start by visually inspecting your plants for signs of trouble. Certain symptoms can often help you narrow down potential culprits by species, so take careful notes of anything you see that doesn't look right.
Next, look to see what your pests are doing. For example, some pests, like ants, may only be using branches as a bridge to get from one place to another. However, they could also be disappearing into holes in tree bark. If you notice the latter, you're likely dealing with something that needs a little more attention.
Have Plants Inspected By a Professional
The next best step is to have your plants inspected by a pest removal professional. Professionals will often know what kind of pests are most likely in your area and how they're attacking your plants. If your plants themselves are being attacked rather than just being used as a convenient shelter or bridge to gain easier access to your home, a professional can help save your plants from illness and death as a result. Taking care of infestation in the plants surrounding your house will help serve as an effective barrier to keep future pests out.
Start a Treatment Plan
Once you've identified the issue, it's time to start an appropriate treatment plan with the help of your pest control specialist. While taking care of the infestation of your plants may take priority, your specialist may also recommend extra treatments for your home. This can especially be the case if your plants and trees have been suffering from any wood-boring insects, which can easily start to cause serious damage to your house. For that reason, a thorough inspection of your home is a good idea even if you haven't noticed any signs of trouble yet.
Depending on the circumstances or the extent of the infestation, the treatment plan you start may take multiple visits and multiple applications of treatment. Ask your specialist what signs to look out for that may indicate treatment is working. For example, in some situations, an increase in pest activity after the first treatment is a sign it's working, so make sure you know what to expect.
Contact a pest control company to learn more.